<--- %%NOBANNER%% --> surv.sas

/*------------------<--- Start of Description -->--------------------\
|   This macro will calculate the general survival statistics (p(t), |
|   standard error, confidience limits, and median survival time). It|
|   will also do the k-sample logrank and plotting upon request.     |
|   Note: this macro will need macro %survlrk;                       |
|   Note: For  "expected" or "normal"  survival calculations refer   |
|         to %SURVEXP.                                               |
|--------------------<--- End of Description -->---------------------|
|--------------<--- Start of Files or Arguments Needed -->-----------|
| Arguments Needed:                                                  |
|    TIME = Variable containing time to event or last follow-up      |
|            in any units (Required)                                 |
|    EVENT = Event variable as a numeric two-valued variable, (0,1), |
|            (1,2) etc.  The event value must be 1 larger than       |
|            the censoring value. (Required)                         |
|    CEN_VL = Censoring value for the EVENT variable as 0,1 etc.     |
|            Event = Cen_vl + 1.  (Default is 0)                     |
|    CLASS = List of classification variables.  They may be either   |
|            character or numeric.  Note - Any observations in the   |
|           input dataset with  missing CLASS data, are not included |
|           in the results.  Using multiple class variables will     |
|           cause a problem when plotting.                           |
|    BY = List of "by" variables.  They may be either character or   |
|           numeric.                                                 |
|    OUT = Output dataset name (Default is _SURVOUT)                 |
|    OUTSUM = Output summary dataset name (Default is _SURVSUM)      |
|    DATA = Input dataset name (Default is the last dataset created) |
|    PRINTOP = printing options (Default is 1):                      |
|           0 = print nothing                                        |
|           1 = print summary table only                             |
|           2 = print one line per event                             |
|           3 = print one line per event and/or censor               |
|           4 = print one line for each of a series of time points,  |
|               as months, half-years, or years (see POINTS).        |
|           5 = print one line per event and/or defined time points. |
|           6 = print one line per event and/or censor and/or time   |
|               point.                                               |
|    POINTS = Specific time points at which survival statistics are  |
|           needed, as months, half-years, years.  These points are  |
|           specified by dividing time into intervals as:            |
|                    '0 to 36500 by 365'.                            |
|           The endpoint of each interval will be the time point to  |
|           be reported.  If you have comas within your statement,   |
|           enclose the entire parameter in quotes, as:              |
|                    '0 to 360 by 30, 0 to 3650 by 182.5'            |
|           You may also specify specific points as well as          |
|           groups of points as:                                     |
|                    '1,5,10,15,0 to 36500 by 182.5'                 |
|    CL = Type of confidence limits (Default is 3)                   |
|           1 = Greenwood (actual)                                   |
|           2 = Greenwood with modified lower limit                  |
|           3 = log-e transformation (log)                           |
|           4 = log-e transformation with modified lower limit       |
|           5 = log(-log-e) transformation (log(-log))               |
|           6 = log(log-e) transformation with modified lower limit  |
|           7 = logit transformation (logit)                         |
|           8  =logit transformation with modified lowere limit      |
|    ALPHA= Type I error rate for confidence limits (Default is .05) |
|    LOGRANK = Option to compute the logrank k-sample test statistics|
|           for the groups defined by the variable CLASS. Separate   |
|           tests will be done for BY variable groupings.(Default: 1)|
|           1 = do not calculate                                     |
|           2 = calculate                                            |
|    MEDTYPE = Type of median if there are several time points       |
|           having probability=.5  (Default is 1)                    |
|           1 = use the midpoint between the times as the median     |
|           2 = use the first time value as the median               |
|    PLOTTYPE = Where to plot the graph(s) (Default is 1)            |
|           1 = no plot                                              |
|           2 = greenbar printer plot                                |
|           3 = graphics plot on unix laser printer                  |
|           4 = plot goes to graphics window (interactive processing)|
|    PLOTOP = What to plot on the y-axis (Default is 1)              |
|           1 = plot pt                                              |
|           2 = plot 1-pt or pe                                      |
|    SCALE = plotting scale (Default is 1)                           |
|           1 = arithmetic                                           |
|           2 = 1-cycle log                                          |
|           3 = 2-cycle log                                          |
|    MAXTIME = the maximun time allowed for the x-axis (Default is   |
|           the max time for all graphs per page). Specify MAXTIME in|
|           the same units as TIME, even if XDIVISOR used.           |
|    XDIVISOR = the divisor used if you want the plotted x-axis in   |
|           other units then TIME is in.                             |
|           Example:  XDIVISOR=365 would plot                        |
|                     the x-axis as TIME/365.                        |
|    LASERPRT = the name of the HSR printer you want your plot to go |
|           to if different from your standard printer.              |
|    PVALS = print p values on plots (Default is Y)                  |
|           N = No p values                                          |
|           Y = Print p_values                                       |
| Output Dataset OUT:                                                |
|    Output Dataset (OUT) contains one observation for each event,   |
|    censor, and extra time point specified by POINTS.  The variables|
|    in the output dataset are:                                      |
|    &by = the by-variable(s) (if defined).                          |
|    &class = the class variable(s) (if defined).                    |
|    &time = the time variable.                                      |
|    NRISK = the number at risk at &time.                            |
|    NEVENT = the number of events from &time the next time          |
|    NCENSOR = the number of censors from &time the next time        |
|    CUM_EV = the cumulative number of events upto & including &time |
|    CUM_CEN = The cumulative number of censors up to and including  |
|              &time                                                 |
|    PT = The probability of no event up to and including &time.     |
|    PE = 1-PT, or the probability of an event occcurring.           |
|    UPPER_CL = the upper confidience limit (based on the input      |
|               parameters ALPHA and CL).                            |
|    LOWER_CL = the lower confidience limit (based on the input      |
|               parameters ALPHA and CL).                            |
|    SE = the Greenwood Standard Error.                              |
|    POINTFLG = the flag indicating points added to the output data  |
|               set because the of POINTS option. (1=point added,    |
|               missing otherwise).                                  |
|  Output Dataset OUTSUM:                                            |
|    Output  Summary Dataset (OUTSUM) contains one observation for   |
|    each group processed. That is, the total group, or each BY      |
|    and/or CLASS value.  The variables in the output dataset are:   |
|    &by = the by-variable(s) (if defined).                          |
|    &class = the class variable(s) (if defined).                    |
|    TOTAL = the total number of observations in this group.         |
|    CUM_EV = the total number of events in this group.              |
|    CUM_CEN = the total number of censors in this group.            |
|    TL_MISS = the total number of observations not included because |
|              of missing values.                                    |
|    MEDIAN = the median survival time (based on the input parameter |
|             MEDTYPE).                                              |
|    The following variables will be added if the LOGRANK test is    |
|    specified:                                                      |
|    OBSERVED = the calculated number of observed events.            |
|    EXPECTED = the calculated number of expected events.            |
|    RR = the Relative Risk (this group's observed/expected /        |
|         group 1's observed/expected).                              |
|    CHISQ = chi-square value.                                       |
|    DF = degrees of freedom.                                        |
|    PVALUE = pvalue (probability of a greater chi-square value).    |
|  Notes:                                                            |
|    1.  If you are getting a message about VPOS not being large     |
|        enough, try cutting down on the number of title lines you   |
|        are using.  SAS does it's calculations for size based on    |
|        1 title, so having 3 or 4 titles MAY cause a problem with   |
|        the vertical spacing.                                       |
|    2.  If you are plotting the output dataset yourself, remember   |
|        that you need a symbol statement as follows to get the steps|
|        correct:                                                    |
|              symbol1 i=stepjl v=none l=1;                          |
|----------------<--- Start of Example and Usage -->-----------------|
| Example:                                                           |
|   %surv(time=fu_time,event=fu_stat,cen_vl=1);                      |
|   %surv(time=fu_time,event=fu_stat,cen_vl=1,class=arm,             |
|         out=two,data=one,printop=4,logrank=1,cl=6,                 |
|         points='0 to 36500 by 182.5');                             |
|   %surv(time=fu_time,event=fu_stat,cen_vl=1,class=arm,by=course,   |
|         out=two,data=one,printop=6,logrank=2,plottype=2,           |
|         xdivisor=365,points='0 to 360 by 30, 361 to 36500 by 365');|
| Usage: %SURV(TIME= ,EVENT= ,CEN_VL=0, PRINTOP=1,CLASS= ,BY= ,      |
|              DATA=_LAST_, OUT=_SURVOUT, POINTS= ,CL=3,             |
|              ALPHA=.05,PLOTTYPE=1,PLOTOP=1,SCALE=1,MAXTIME= ,      |
|              XDIVISOR= ,LASERPRT= ,PVALS=Y ,LOGRANk=1,MEDTYPE=1,   |
|              OUTSUM=_SURVSUM);                                     |
\-------------------<--- End of Example and Usage -->---------------*/
            DATA=_LAST_, OUT=_SURVOUT, POINTS= ,CL=3,
| Author:  Jan Offord, Frank Harrell and Mike |
|          Helms;                             |
| Created: April, 1993;                       |
| Purpose: Calculate survival statistics;     |
proc sql;
reset noprint;
select max(number) into :t from dictionary.titles;
%let t=%eval(&t+2);
%if &t > 10 %then %let t=10;
%local byword byclword lastby lastbycl dev errorflg j a b x cgrp
     cl_name indata;
%LET errorflg = 0;
%LET byword =  ;
%LET byclword = ;
%LET lastby = ;
%LET lastbycl = ;
%let p=.;
%let a = %index(&points,%str(%'));
%if &a > 0 %then %do;
   %let b = %eval(%length(&points)-1);
   %let points = %substr(&points,%eval(&a+1),%eval(&b-1));
%if &time=  %then %do;
   %put  ERROR - Variable